Babies & Flowers
personalCommentWe went for a walk and the azaleas in our neighborhood were blooming, so of course we had to run back home for our cameras! Good thing too; the rain came the next day and washed away all the blooms.
35mm | 01
personalCommentShooting film for fun lately. Finally got some developed from a few days around our home.
personal, life and loveCommentThe eclipse was total magic! We were in 98% totality range and as the sun was eclipsed by the moon, the earth grew darker than usual (not totally dark where we were, but close). The street lights turned on, the crickets and cicadas began to chirp and all was strange. It was such a cool thing to experience! Here are some shots I took while we hung out during the darkest day.
The last two images were taken by my sweet husband, Jonathan!